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Transparency, Truth and Patient Rights?

For the Health of it™ Vol 4, No. 2

Christmas Day 2017

“Got Real Rights? Not When Seeking Health Care”

John James and I have been talking about this subject for several months.  To shine some light on Patient Rights, we (mostly John) submitted this article to  It was published on November 18, 2017.

We see this as the first in a series of articles that will focus on Transparency and Truth in Health and Health Care.  It will be and part of the multifaceted, fast-track path we all need if we are to Building the Better Health and Health Care with and for the people we are all here to serve.

Please comment on this blog post and let us know if you want to participate in this project.

Wishing you Happy Holidays, Health and Happiness now and for many years to come.

Thanks for all your help.

Dr. Mike